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Andrea Jung

Andrea Jung was appointed a Non-Executive Director of Unilever PLC in May 2018. She is Vice-Chair and Senior Independent Director of Unilever. She is also Chair of the Compensation Committee and a member of the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee.

Andrea Jung profile photo

Vice Chair and Senior Independent Director

Andrea Jung has been President and CEO of Grameen America, a nonprofit microfinance organisation, since 2014 and a Non-Executive Director of Apple Inc. since 2008, and Wayfair Inc since 2018. She was Apple Inc.’s first female Non-Executive Director.

Andrea served as a Non-Executive Director of General Electric from 1998 to 2018 and as a Non-Executive Director of Daimler AG from 2013 to 2018.

Andrea began her career working in Merchandising for Department Stores. In 1993, she joined Avon and was soon responsible for all of the company’s global brands as President of Global Marketing. In 1998, Andrea was promoted to President and COO and became CEO in November 1999, becoming the first woman to ever lead the company. She expanded the business into emerging markets and increased profits consistently for a number of years. After 13 years as CEO and as the longest serving female executive to lead a Fortune 500 company, Andrea retired in 2012.


  • May 2021: Appointed Vice Chairman and Senior Independent Director of Unilever
  • 2020: Became a member of Unilever's Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee
  • 2018: Became a Non-Executive Director of Wayfair Inc.
  • May 2018: Became a Non-Executive Director at Unilever PLC and a member of Unilever's Compensation Committee
  • 2014: Became President and CEO of Grameen America
  • 2013: Non-Executive Director Daimler AG
  • 2008: Became Non-Executive Director Apple Inc
  • 1998: Non-Executive Director General Electric
  • 1999: CEO Avon
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