Dig deep to defeat hunger and change lives worldwide
Help empower food banks to thrive around the world
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Over 800 million people all over the world face hunger and malnutrition – yet almost one-third of food is lost or wasted.
Food banks offer a solution. They recover surplus food and redistribute it to the people who need it most.
The Global FoodBanking Network (GFN) is an international non-profit that supports, sustains, unites and advances local food banks in 47 countries.
One food bank operating alone can alleviate hunger in a small, yet mighty way. But a food bank connected to GFN can make more of an impact by scaling faster and operating more efficiently.
And you can help.
The equivalent of one US dollar can allow GFN food banks to source and distribute 14 meals for families in need.
Set up a one-time or monthly donation to the Global FoodBanking Network and help make hunger history.
Help empower food banks to thrive around the world
Join us and play your part in fighting poverty
Join the #KnorrFuture50Foods movement today
Five easy ways to fight deforestation in our food
Make a donation to help save children worldwide
TRANSFORM the lives of millions in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia
Offer financial help to reclaimers in the wake of Covid-19
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